English Japanese
Yoshifumi Wakiyama脇山義史
Associate Professor

Institute of Environmental Radioactivity
Radioisotope Geoscience Division, Terrestrial Radionuclide Dynamics
Web site http://researchmap.jp/waki0609/


I received my Ph.D in Science from University of Tsukuba for research on soil erosion on unmanaged forest. Currently, my research focuses on the radiocesium wash-off associated with sediment dynamics.

Main Focus of Research

·Cs-137 wash-off from slope
·Cs-137 wash-off from river basin
·Cs-137 behavior in closed water system

Fields of Research



Sediment dynamics, Cs-137

Research Overview

I learned a part of sediment dynamics through researches on soil erosion processes in unmanaged Japanese cypress plantations during my doctoral course. After the doctorate, I experienced hydrological researches, such as snowmelt runoff observation and measurements of stable isotopes of water in a project focusing on environmental change on mountainous area. Since 2013, I have studied Cs-137 wash-off associated with sediment dynamics in Fukushima.

A few words

Interdisciplinary approaches are required for understanding Cs-137 dynamics in terrestrial environment. I will open my mind to adsorb knowledge in various academic disciplines and to address the challenge.

Personal Interest

Something historical, Listening to Music

Curriculum vitae

2004B.S. in Agriculture, Kyushu University
2006M.S. in Agriculture, Kyushu University
2010Ph.D. in Science, University of Tsukuba
2010Researcher at Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
2013Researcher at Center for Researches in Isotopes and Environmental Dynamics
2015Senior Assistant professor at Institute of Environmental Radioactivity, Fukushima University
2021Associate professor at Institute of Environmental Radioactivity, Fukushima University