July 5, 2024, we held an IER Special Seminar. <Dr. Mark HEGNAUER>

Date & TimeFri. July 5, 2024, 11:00-12:00 JST
Venue6F Conference room, Main Bldg. IER/Online (Zoom)
SpeakerDr. Mark HEGNAUER
Deltares, the Netherlands, Water Management Specialist, Asia, Deltares Singapore
Lecture TitleOverview of Deltares software tools that integrate models and monitoring databases to support water and contaminant management for watersheds and coastal seas

On July 5, an IER special seminar by Dr. Mark HEGNAUER from Deltares was held and attended by 15 IER graduate students and IER members.

Dr. Mark Hegnauer serves as a Water Management Specialist at Deltares, a not-for-profit knowledge institute based in Delft, Netherlands, specializing in water and the subsurface. Following the completion of his PhD at Delft University of Technology, Dr. Hegnauer joined Deltares, where he has conducted hydrological research for 11 years in the Netherlands and 2 years in Singapore.

Deltares is an organization with over 100 years of history in flood control in the Netherlands, focusing on developing software for flood prediction and water quality. Recently, the software developed has been made open-source and is freely available to researchers worldwide. In Singapore, flood control and water quality management are key issues, with concerns about the impact of nearby nuclear power plants. The Singapore National Environment Agency has established the HyMARIS consortium (which includes Fukushima University’s Institute of Environmental Radioactivity) to develop models for predicting the spread of radioactive materials and assessing exposure, with Deltares and other institutions contributing to the research.

Dr. Hegnauer expressed keen interest in collaborating with the Institute of Environmental Radioactivity, known for its expertise in studying the dispersion of radioactive nuclides in terrestrial and marine environments.

After the presentation, several comments were raised by IER faculty members.

Assoc. prof. Gusyev introducing Dr. Hegnauer
Dr. HEGNAUER’s presentation
Questions and answers time