Nov. 1, Applications will open for Graduate Students in April 2024 Admission II° round!!!

II° round Application Period: Wednesday, November 1, 2023 – Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 5 p.m. in JST
Exam Date: Saturday, November 25, 2023
<Application Guide>
Master’s Program: Admission in October 2023 and April 2024 Application Guide
Doctoral Program:Admission in 2024 Application Guide

Flyer for Admission in April 2024
Master’s Program/Doctoral Program

※When applying, please contact an instructor of your choice in advance, who will be your thesis advisor, to discuss your aptitude for the research field. If you are unsure about how or whom to contact, please notify the Admissions Office of the University for guidance (E-mail:

↓Application Guide and Forms in English are available here↓

↓Click here for the online application registration page (only in Japanese language)↓

※The online application site is currently available only in Japanese. If you encounter any difficulties using the site in Japanese, our university is ready to assist you with the online application process. Please contact to:

↓Know more about graduate school↓