October 18, 2021 We held the 5th IER Seminar of FY2021.<by Graduate Students>

Date & Time

Mon, October 18, 2021 14:00-15:15


1)Activity concentration of radiocaesium in self-consumed crops collected from evacuation order cancellation zone and internal radiation doses
(Mihoko Kikuchi, Second-year M.S student, Environmental Radioactivity Science Major)
2) The dynamics of 137Cs in urban pond after decontamination
(Honoka Kurosawa, Second-year M.S student, Environmental Radioactivity Science Major)
3) Uptake of 137Cs from soil and irrigation water by rice plants cultivated with the pot experiment
(NGUYEN Phuong Thoa, Third-year PhD student, Symbiotic Systems Science and Technology Major)

In the IER seminar held on October 18, three graduate students who will graduate this year made presentations about their research activities. Eighteen IER faculty members and students joined the seminar.

Mihoko Kikuchi has been studying the activity concentration of radiocaesium in self-consumed crops in Namie Town. In the presentation, she concluded that the raciocaesium concentration in those crops grown after decontamination was low enough to have little effect on internal radiation doses. However, she mentioned the importance of continuing the investigation for residents and those who are considering returning to the town.

Honoka Kurosawa has been studying the radiocesium in a pond located in the urban area of Koriyama City. She summarized the results of sampling investigations conducted before and after decontamination, and introduced the possible effects of inflow and outflow from the surrounding rivers on the radiocesium concentration in the water and bottom sediment of the pond.

Nguyen Thoa, an international student from Vietnam, has been studying the effect of irrigation water on the radiocaesium concentration in rice in a paddy field in Minamisoma City. In the presentation, she showed that the contribution of radiocaesium from irrigation water to brown rice is negligible level.

After each presentation, many questions and suggestions were given them from the professors. The three students seemed to be inspired and motivated for the final review of their master’s theses or doctoral dissertation in February.

Presentation by Ms.Kikuchi
Presentation by Ms. Kurosawa
Presentation by Ms. Ngyen
Professors giving suggestions for future research plans