November 5, 2021 We held an IER Special Seminar online.<Dr. Georg Steinhauser>

Date & Time

Fri. Nov 5, 2021, 17:00 ‒ 18:30 JST


Online (Zoom)

Guest Lecturer

Dr. Georg Steinhauser, Professor of University of Hannover, Institute of Radioecology and Radiation Protection

Lecture Title

Tracing anthropogenic radionuclides in the atmosphere

In some of the classes of the Master’s Program of Major in Environmental Radioactivity, distinguished external researchers are invited as guest lecturers, and their classes are open to other faculty members on campus as “Special Seminars”.

On November 5, the online lecture on the subject “Environmental Radioactivity Science II” by Prof. Georg Steinhauser was attended by four IER graduate school master students and several IER members. In this lecture, Prof. Steinhauser talked about global monitoring of anthropogenic radionuclides in the atmosphere as a tool for tracing the nuclear incidents in various parts of the world (such as the Chernobyl accident, which was only disclosed by the Soviets Union after an atmospheric release was discovered in Sweden), and about advances in nuclear forensics based on the example of the investigation of an undeclared release of 106Ru into the atmosphere detected by the European monitoring stations network in 2017. In the Q&A session, the lecture participants discussed the perspectives for further development of the monitoring network for detecting the local scale nuclear events, as well as the details of the two years’ comprehensive investigation of the ruthenium release.