March 19, 2022 We organized “The excursion of Environmental Radioactivity Seminar in Densho-kan in FY2021”


March 19, 2022


Hamadori area, Fukushima Prefecture
・Futaba Station
・The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum (Densho-kan)
・Ukedo elementary school
・Shibaei fishery company
・Roadside Station Namie

On March 19, 2022, IER held “The excursion of Environmental Radioactivity Seminar in Densho-kan in FY2021”. The seminar itself was held in September, 2021, as a part of the human resource development program led by Nagasaki University and adopted in FY2021 under the Fukushima Innovation Coast Framework (“Fukkou-Chi” Project), which involves universities and other organizations. However, the excursion part had been postponed due to the COIVD-19 infection at that time. This excursion was attended by 16 participants including one graduate student major in Environmental Radioactivity, 4 students major in Symbiotic Systems Science and Technology, some Faculty members, and staff members of the IER.

Firstly at Futaba Station, a representative from the Futaba Town Office gave us a tour of the Futaba Station area, explaining the evacuation situation at the time of the earthquake and the current state of reconstruction, the public housing project under construction near the station, and the temporary town office building etc.

Next, we visited the Densho-kan, and took an exhibition booths tour with curators explaining the exhibits. We were able to hear valuable stories about that time, including how the exhibits were actually collected.

Then, we stopped by “Ukedo Elementary School,” Fukushima Prefecture’s first post-disaster restoration, and ” Shibaei fishery company” which reopened for business in April 2020, nine years after the disaster. Lastly we stopped by “Roadside Station Namie”, a symbol of Namie Town’s recovery, where visitors could experience a variety of products and activities, such as Local Sake (made by Suzuki Sake Brewery), Ohori-Soma-yaki (famous pottery in Soma City), and Lucky Park (featuring Pokemon characters) etc.

This excursion gave us a great opportunity to learn about the damage caused by the disaster and the state of reconstruction.

Listening to an explanation at Futaba Station
Touring at the Densho-kan
Visiting Ukedo Elementary School
Lucky manhole at Roadside Station Namie
Group shot at Roadside Station Namie