- 所属
- Institute of Environmental Radioactivity Measurements and Forecasting Division, Monitoring Systems Development
Ph.D. in Engineering from Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University.
My specialty is radiation measurement. In particular, I am studying the technology of visualization of radiation distribution and the factors that affect environmental radiation due to natural phenomena such as lightning activity.
Main Focus of Research
- Development research on visualization technology of radiation distribution
- Integrated research of radiation and position recognition technology
- Measurement analysis of behavior of radioactive substances using natural nuclides
- Clarification of behavior of high-energy radiation generated by thunderstorm/ lightning activity.
Fields of Research
Radiation measurement, environmental radiation, atmospheric electricity
Radiation imaging, inverse problem analysis, atmospheric radon, energetic radiation, relativistic runaway breakdown
Academic Society Memberships
Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Japan Society of Applied Physics Ionizing Radiation Division, Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU), American Geophysics Union (AGU)
Research Overview
I have been studying radiation measurement and radiation physics in the environment.
After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) accident, I have been conducting research and development on aerial monitoring that measures the radiation distribution in Japan using helicopters and remote monitoring technology by unmanned helicopters, mainly in Fukushima Prefecture.
Recently, I have been conducting research for the purpose of three-dimensional imaging using Compton cameras in order to visualize the radiation distribution in the high dose-rate field inside the FDNPS.
I’m also conducting research on the generation behavior of high-energy radiation in the atmosphere caused by lightning discharges and thundercloud electric fields.
A few words
So far, I have explained about environmental radiation in various places through field measurements. After March 11, 2011, through airborne survey, I recognized the importance of promptly measuring and announcing the distribution of radioactive substances released into the environment due to the FDNPS accident. From now on, by visualizing the distribution of radiation, I will also carry out activities to disseminate it to society using various media so that people can feel nature and science and technology that are difficult to see directly, such as ionizing radiation.
- 2004
Ph. D., Department of Communication Engineering, Osaka University
- 1981
Master’s Degree, Department of Physics, Toyama University
- 1976
Bachelor of Science, Department of Physics, Toyama University
- 1982
Researcher, Safety Control Division, O-arai Engineering Center, Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Cooperation (PNC*)
*PNC was renamed to JNC (Japan Nuclear Fuel Cycle Development Institute), after that JAERI (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute) and JNC were integrated and reorganized into Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA).
- 2006
Principal Scientist, Manager of Environmental Control Section, Tsuruga Headquarter, JAEA
- 2010
Director, Department of Safety and Quality Assurance Management, Tsuruga Headquarter, JAEA
- 2011
Senior Principal Researcher, Department of Partnership Operation of Environmental Remediation, Headquarters of Fukushima Partnership Operations, JAEA
- 2016-2019
Division Head, Remote System and Sensing Technology Division, Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science, JAEA
- 2018-Present
Specially Appointed Professor, Research Institute of Nuclear Engineering, Fukui University
- 2020-Present
Courtesy Faculty, Department of Chemistry and Physics, College of Arts and Science, Florida Gulf Coast University, FL, USA
- 2020-Present
Project Professor, Institute of Environmental Radioactivity, Fukushima University