- 所属
- Institute of Environmental Radioactivity Radiation Morphology division, Speciation Radiochemistry
- 外部リンク
Ph.D. in Environmental Analytical Chemistry from Kanazawa University. Speciation of potentially toxic elements, including the radioisotopes, in waste matrices and their selective removal is the focus point of my current research.
Main Focus of Research
- Study the fate and behavior of environmental pollutants, including radioisotopes, in the biosphere
- Design of low energy and low burden environmental remediation technology
- Implementation of sustainable management practices for radioactive wastes
Fields of Research
Radiochemistry, Environmental remediation, Waste management
Selective separation, Molecular Recognition Technology, Biodegradable chelators, Soil humic matter, Rare metals, Long-lived radionuclides, Fukushima
Research Overview
Fate, transport, and removal of arsenic in natural waters and decontamination of the remediation waste were the topics of research during the early-life of my scientific career. The point of emphasis later includes the study of other potentially toxic elements, such as lead, cadmium, and varying matrices. I also worked to design methodologies for the cost-effective recovery of rare metals, e.g., indium, from waste resources. The research focus is expanded to study the behavior of long-lived radionuclides in the biosphere and to develop eco-friendly and cost-effective approaches to remediate the waste from the decontamination activity after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident on March 11, 2011.
Personal Interest
Dining out, Reading novels, Listening music, Watching movies
- 2011
Ph.D. in Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Kanazawa University, Japan
- 1996
M.Sc. in Applied Chemistry, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
- 1995
B.Sc. in Chemistry, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
- 2024
Professor at Institute of Environmental Radioactivity, Fukushima University, Japan
- 2015
Associate Professor at Institute of Environmental Radioactivity, Fukushima University, Japan
- 2014
Visiting Researcher at Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University, Japan
- 2012
Associate Professor at Department of Applied and Environmental Chemistry, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
- 2012
JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- 2004
TokyoTech-UNESCO Research Fellow at Department of Chemical Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- 2004
Assistant Professor at Department of Chemistry, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
- 2002
Lecturer at Department of Chemistry, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
- 2001
Assistant Shift Officer at Coats Bangladesh Ltd. (a member of the global operations of Coats PLC, UK)
- 2014
Chubu Research Fellowship on Environmental Technology by Foundation of Chubu Science u0026amp; Technology Center, Japan
- 2012
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Japan
- 2009
Representative scholar of ‘Bangladesh Academy of Sciences’ in the ‘2nd HOPE Meeting’ (an opportunity for interdisciplinary dialogues with Nobel laureates and other distinguished scientists) organized by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- 2009
Award for ‘Best Poster’ in 2nd HOPE Meeting organized by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- 2009
Award for ‘Best Group Presentation’ in 2nd HOPE Meeting organized by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- 2008
Japan Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship
- 2008
Asian Youth Fellowship by Japan Foundation
- 2007
TIGP Research Fellowship by Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- 2004
TokyoTech-UNESCO International Research Fellowship, Japan
- 2001
Excellent Student Recognition, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh