December 23, 2024 7th IER seminar of FY2024 was held. <Project Lecturer Ishiniwa, Professor Rahman, IER Director Nanba>

Date & TimeMon. December 23, 2024, 13:30-15:00 JST
Venue6F Conference room, Main Bldg. IER/Online (Zoom)
Speakers・Project Lecturer ISHINIWA Hiroko
・Professor Ismail M.M. RAHMAN
・IER Director NANBA Kenji
Lecture TitlesDose estimating of wild mice inhabiting radiation contaminated area using Electron Spin Resonance (Ishiniwa)
Volume Reduction of Radionuclide-Contaminated Aqueous Waste using a Charcoal-Ceramic Composite(Rahman)
Experimental beekeeping and giant hornet(Nanba)

Institute of Environmental Radioactivity (IER) regularly holds the IER seminar in which the faculty members report on their research results, with the aim of facilitating their research activities and promoting communication.

In the 7th IER seminar of this fiscal year that was held on December 23, 2024, three presentations were given by Project Lecturer ISHINIWA Hiroko, Professor Ismail M.M. RAHMAN and IER Director NANBA Kenji to 19 participating researchers and students as follows.

Project Lecturer Ishiniwa presented the application of the electron spin resonance method for dose estimation from the amount of carbonate radicals in tooth enamel to the teeth of large Japanese field mice.

Professor Rahman presented his research, which was conducted under the intramural research project framework. The presentation reported on the initial phase of work involving the development and characterization of a novel composite material designed for treating radionuclide-contaminated wastewater. The material features a unique double-layered structure, integrating the properties of both charcoal and ceramics. It was primarily evaluated for its ability to retain cesium and strontium. Initial evaluation showed that the composite’s retention performance improved significantly after pulverization and washing treatments. Characterization of the treated samples confirmed that these improvements occurred without changing the material’s morphology. The next phase of the research will focus on optimizing the sorption behavior of the composite under various operating conditions and exploring its practical application in real-world scenarios.

Director Nanba presented the beekeeping experiment and giant hornet study conducted in coastal area in 2023. According to his research, the aggregated transfer factor (Tag) of Cs-137 in the honey collected in experimental beekeeping sites was 3.06 ✕ 10-5 m2/kgFW. This value was three orders of magnitude lower than that of the 1993-1994 honey of common heather (Calluna vulgaris) in Scotland (4.71 ✕ 10-2 m2/kgFW, Fisk & Sanderson, 1999). The study showed that the Tag for giant hornets collected at the sites was two orders of magnitude higher than that of honeybees.

After each presentation, various questions and comments were raised by IER faculty members and graduate students.

Project Lecturer Ishiniwa’s presentation
Professor Rahman’s presentation
IER Director Nanba’s presentation
Questions and answers time
Questions and answers time
Questions and answers time