August 30, 2021 We held the 3rd IER Seminar of FY2021.<by Project Researcher TATSUNO>

Date & Time

Mon. August 30, 2021, 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm


Project Researcher Takahiro Tatsuno


Contribution of cesium rich microparticles to Cs runoff in the watershed during rainfall event in 2021

Institute of Environmental Radioactivity (IER) regularly holds the IER seminar in which the faculty members report on their research results, with the purpose of facilitating their research activities and communication.

The third IER Seminar of FY2021 was held on August 30, and Dr. Takahiro Tatsuno, a project researcher who plays a key role in the project of Environmental Radioactivity Research Network Center (ERAN), gave a presentation on his research activities. The seminar was attended by 17 researchers and graduate students, including online attendees.

Dr. Tatsuno’s field of expertise is soil physics and soil chemistry. In this presentation, he explained the results of his research conducted in the Takase River on how cesium rich microparticles (CsMP) containing high radiocesium activities affect the leaching of radiocesium in rivers during rainfall events. At the end of the presentation, he introduced his future research plans, including the identification of the components of CsMP and the study of the effect of glassy particles that have high Cs concentration.
After the presentation, many questions were asked and suggestions for his future research plans were made from the IER members.

Project Researcher Tatsuno presenting the results of his research