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環境放射能から見えるエコシステム (Ecosystems from the Environmental Radioactivity Perspective) / 福島大学環境放射能研究所 第11回成果報告会 (The 11th Annual Symposium of the IER, Fukushima University) / 詳細・参加登録はこちら (Click here for details and registration)


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About us

Clarify the dynamics and impacts of environmental radioactivity derived from the nuclear accident and share our knowledge with the world

The Institute for Environmental Radioactivity (IER) at Fukushima University was established in 2013 prompted by the Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. The institute's responsibility is to engage in long-term research activities to elucidate the behavior of radioactive materials in the environment and their effects on the environment.

Research Activities

Conduct cross-disciplinary project research and joint research with other institutions

The IER is organized into 5 divisions and 15 research units, and has developed six multi-disciplinary projects that cross and integrate these fields and units to conduct complex and specialized research. We are building collaboration with domestic and international research institutions to further invigorate our research activities.

Graduate School

The world's first graduate school to study environmental radioactivity

The major in Environmental Radioactivity (Master's and Doctoral Programs), Graduate School of Symbiotic Systems Science and Technology, Fukushima University is the first graduate school in the world to study the dynamics of radioactive materials in the environment and their effects, providing specialized education in environmental radioactivity by making maximum use of the field in Fukushima.